Be Brave Enough To Suck At Something New
There’s a saying that we’re more likely to explore the world beyond our backyard, so I do my best to explore mine too.
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Is it better to be an expert in one thing,
or be good at many things?
As we get older, trying new things or being adventurous doesn’t come as naturally as when you were a kid. We reach a stage in our lives where we like to think we somewhat have it together, and that could be why we’re more likely to shy away at doing things we haven’t tried before. There’s a higher chance we’d suck at it, which means you have to check your ego at the door and that isn’t always easy.
I’m what you call a generalist - I have a lot of accumulated skills, though not really an expert at anything. I’m that friend who likes to give things a go and have a long list of eclectic hobbies and curiosities. Sometimes I envy people who pursue one or two things and know everything about them inside out. That’s never been me.
So, I guess the question is, “Is it better to be an expert in one thing or be good at many things?” I suppose that depends on the situation and how useful your knowledge and skills are in that place and time.
It’s a few weeks into 2020 and I’m trying something new. I signed up to run in a 14km race next month. Why? Well, I actually like running, and when I was a kid (before I injured my knee in high school), I did like to do cross country running. I wasn’t great at it, gosh I don’t even think I was good at it, but I enjoyed it.
Back then, I was probably braver at doing things I sucked at. It didn’t really matter to me if I placed in a race, I just wanted to finish and hopefully have fun doing it.
I could have signed up for the 7km race and not needed to do much training. It wasn’t that much more than my usual 5km for fitness. Although, training does mean possibly a better recovery time.
The 14km is a different beast for me. I chose it because it’s way out of my comfort zone. Like, legit. This is something I do know about me, I will finish the race, even if it means hobbling in last. I’ll pick up my bruised ego and will smile, teeth and all when I cross that line.
Back in 2000, during my last year of high school, I dislocated my right knee. I probably dislocated it again almost 20 times since then. I still remember how apprehensive I was when I went for my first run in Peru. If I was to get injured, I hoped that I was close enough to hobble back to my apartment. My knee has come a long way from all those years I used to dance with a knee support!
My point is, you can put a lot of energy towards worrying about what can go wrong, or just give it a go. Trying something new isn’t meant to be perfect - in fact, sucking at it is a more likely outcome. That’s ok too.
Well, now that I’ve paid the entry fee, I know that I’ll be too stubborn to pack it in. You better believe it that I’ll be on that starting line, ready to give it a really good go. I’ll make sure to get my photos before the race starts because I doubt my facial muscles will have any energy left to be social at the end.
I find running hard, just like I find life hard sometimes. Same, same really. It’s hard, but you get through it, and something good always comes out of it. Do it enough times and hopefully each time that you do, you suck a little less. That’s what I’m going for - sucking a little less is good enough for me. I’d be happy with that.
xo Ronna Grace
fivefootronna is Ronna Grace Funtelar - a thirtyish adventurer, graphic designer and writer.
A woman with a curious mind who lives for hiking mountains, outdoor adventures and eating pizza. She has a unique brand of optimism that is a combination of her great enthusiasm for life and cups of coffee during the day.